Going Green for Boogers
You read the title right, let's get green for the green part of your life.
If you know me, you know I follow a lot of sustainable and zero waste accounts on social media. I think they're interesting, they keep me on my innovative toes, and sometimes they guilt me in o ideas I didn't know I would support.
This past month I have focused on cleaning out bins in my office that I just can't get to during the busy season. The biggest bins I have were FULL, and more accurately described as overflowing, with sleeves for wine bags. The truth is that I sell twice as many skirts as wine bags, yet each shirt comes with two sleeves. So, I started ripping some sleeves apart for another purpose. And here's why....
At first I thought it would be gross. I think handkerchiefs are kind of a gross weird idea so how is this any different? The difference is that I am about 15 steps away from the laundry bin we keep just for kitchen and bath towels. So now I blow my nose and just add it to the bin instead of the wastebasket. I've been doing it for about a month now and I get it. Less waste and less wasted money on Kleenex. That's a win-win in our house.
So, I encourage you to try making one green adjustment to your daily routine. Then tell me about it!